Monday, October 5, 2009

back to basics.

With an hr left to waste.. i rather make it memorable and fill it with words since i havent done that in a while.

today a lot of things bother me.

the lack of passion in peoples eyes. The aimless effort of some and the continuous comfort lines we all throw around to survive.

i just heard something very powerful from my favorite person in the world. my mom " The fortune you make or the amount of money you can put your hands on, will always come and go. But the skills you learn every day, the life experiences you collect and the knowledge you carry within you is what will give you the true riches in life because without them even the wealthiest person would lose it all"

Therefore, why stop at one skill? why stop at one career? one job? why live in a straight line?

im not gonna lie, being predictable is safe you will never fail but without failure you will never learn to try harder.

Tonight i get this thoughts just from ridiculously pushing myself to the edge emotionally. what i want , what i need or what i desire doesnt even matter if i fail at trying. If one fails at living then what else is there?

So tonight i will go back to basics if i must. Because really like marilyn monroe said " im not interested in money, i just want to be something wonderful"

and that's all i want, wherever that dream takes me is where i need to be.

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